Representation of the state of lower saxony to the eu

Representation of the state of Lower Saxony to the the EU

Rue Montoyer 61
B-1000 Bruxelles

Representation of the State of Lower Saxony

Tobias Möller-Walsdorf

Advisory & Support

The Representation of the State of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) to the European Union is the representation of Lower Saxony in the European quarter of Brussels. As an interface between Lower Saxony and Brussels it supports the government and administration of Lower Saxony in the implementation of Lower Saxony’s European policy and informs rapidly on processes which may be relevant to Lower Saxony.

The Representation also offers rooms for meetings, conferences and events for 10 to approx. 100 people.

Through events, it presents the state on the European stage as an innovative site for trade and industry and an attractive science, cultural and tourist region.The spectrum of events held at the Representation at the EU in Brussels is broad and ranges from conferences, round-table discussions, specialist events, lectures and panel discussions to receptions, presentations, exhibitions and concerts (overview of past events). 

The premises of the Representation can be made available to university representatives from Lower Saxony free of charge without the rent required for external parties. Reservations should be made at least 2 months in advance and must be coordinated with the Ministry of Science in the case of events within the framework of the funding programme.

Depending on the preferred event format (internal workshop for project initiation, working meeting, round table format, panel discussion), different catering and technical costs will be incurred. Funding from the MWK’s Europe Programme can be applied to cover these costs. 

contact person

tobias Möller-walsdorf

Officer for Research and Innovation, Higher Education, Adult Education, Culture

Telefon: +32 2 235 08-26


Web: Representation of the state of Lower Saxony