Jade university of applied sciences Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth

Jade University of Applied Sciences
Ofener Straße 16-19
26121 Oldenburg
Jade University of Applied Sciences
advisory & Support
The Research & Transfer Department sees itself as a service provider both for members of the university and for all those seeking contact with scientists “from outside”. It mediates and supervises cooperation projects between industry and science, arranges contacts, advises and supports applications for funding.

Prof. Dr. Helge Bormann
Head of “Research Management”
Telefon: +49 441 7708-3775
E-Mail: helge.bormann@jade-hs.de
Web: Research Management
Christina Schumacher
Head of “Technology transfer Campus Oldenburg“
Telefon: +49 441 7708-3325
E-Mail: schumacher@jade-hs.de
Web: Research Management